Case Study as part of a Web-based
Technical and Regulatory Guidance
Hume Mine Site #1
Bates County, Missouri
1. Site Information
1.1 Contacts
Mike Larsen
Telephone: 573-751-4041
E-mail: [email protected]
Continental Coal, Inc. (Owner)
10801 Mastin, Ste. 920
Overland Park, KS 66210
Hume Mine #1
Route 1, Box 15A
Hume, MO 64752
1.2 Name, Location, and Description
Hume Mine #1 (Hume Mine) is located in southwestern Bates County in western
Missouri along the Kansas border (latitude 38.08322N, longitude 94.32219W,
see Figure 1-1). Hume Mine was an open-pit surface coal mine comprising
approximately 200 acres. Affected media include soil, sediment, surface
water (e.g., stream, rivers, runoff, and drainage), and groundwater. Of
the 200‑acre mine site, approximately 95% has been reclaimed.

Figure 1-1. Map of the Hume Mine Site area. Created with ArcGIS Desktop Version 9.3.1.
2. Redial Action and Technologies
At the Hume Mine, the primary impacts are from acidity. Reclamation of the
site falls under the provisions of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation
Act (SMCRA). Two primary treatment technologies are in place at Hume Mine:
backfilling/subaqueous disposal and capping/covers/grading. Backfilling/subaqueous
disposal consists of filling the open pit once the resource (coal) is extracted.
Capping/covers/grading consists of grading the mined area and covering with
sub- and topsoils. Both treatment technologies have been operating for approximately
five years. These treatment technologies are expected to be permanent remedial
solutions. Site cleanup goals are based on the mitigation of human health
risk and mitigation of ecological risk.
3. Performance
Performance criteria included the reestablishment of soil productivity and
the protection of groundwater and surface water systems as compared to baseline
(i.e., premining) conditions. Field parameters are used to evaluate the geochemistry
of the water.
4. Costs
Cost of activities at this site are reported as a total:
- Capital: $2,500/acre
- Operation and maintenance: $2,500/acre
5. Regulatory Challenges
None encountered.
6. Stakeholder Challenges
None encountered.
7. Other Challenges and Lessons
No information available.
8. References
None reported