5.9 Time Series Forecasting

Time series forecasting allows univariate or multivariate forecasting of future values of an observed time series or multiple time series over a specified forecasting horizon (time frame). For example, what might the anticipated concentration of a chemical be in a given compliance well in two years? Forecasts are based on a model fitted to present and past observations. Either an automated model or a user specified model may be used. Time series forecasting follows on the discussion of sample autocorrelationCorrelation of values of a single variable data set over successive time intervals (Unified Guidance). The degree of statistical correlation either (1) between observations when considered as a series collected over time from a fixed sampling point (temporal autocorrelation) or (2) within a collection of sampling points when considered as a function of distance between distinct locations (spatial autocorrelation). function (Section 5.8.3); review Section 5.8.3 if you are not familiar with time series forecasting and autocorrelation functions.

Publication Date: December 2013

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